So who do you know?
So many businesses and organizations talk about wanting to access the Latino community but don’t know where to start. From our website Cafecito Caliente, I have received emails from businesses and organizations all wanting to understand what Cafecito is about and how can they meet the people we connect with.
In 2023, we held for the first time ever, an awards ceremony recognizing Hispanic Latino individuals for their contributions to the community. The Cafecito Caliente Awards were held at “The View” located at Jackson Field (home of the Lansing Lugnuts) on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. This has never before happened in Mid-Michigan. Maybe your companies DEI Director or Diversity Director needs to know about the next one scheduled for Friday, September 26, 2025 and yes we are looking for sponsors.
We provided support to start The Latino Business Conexión of Michigan which acts as a grassroots business association for the Latino community. It’s led by a younger generation (oldest is 31 years old) and with four advisors over the age of 58. Wisdom and experience mixed with youthful energy and tech savvy individuals.
The Cafecito Caliente Group recently purchased the Arctic Corner Ice Cream Shop in which is located in Lansing’s popular Old Town District. We will be celebrating 75 years of operating, and the hope is that we can connect some of the things we do with Cafecito and ice cream.
Our philosophy is “we try to give back to the community in some form by providing connections, resources, workshops, support and by also creating opportunities to meet the Latino community. Do we charge? Well, no, but the hope is that one day I may need something, a contact, a referral, etc. and you see the value that we bring to the table and give dollars, staff or support to them. If you have ever seen the movie “Jerry McGuire”, my philosophy was built on the idea that we should give more personal attention to those we have a relationship with.
Our tagline is: If you want to get to know the Mid-Michigan Latino Community, we know the Hispanic Latino community better than anyone, so let’s talk.
Perhaps your workplace, your business, or your department wants to access the Latino community and doesn’t know we exist. Maybe, you should let them know they should meet with us sometime for a Cafecito at your favorite coffee shop or maybe your place of work. Have them check out our website at and especially the happenings in the Latino community here: Mid-Michigan Latino Community Events – Cafecito Caliente. Maybe one day we will serve Cafecito with your favorite pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread), but for now, we will settle for your friendship.
So, who do you know, that should know who Cafecito Caliente is?