Queridas familias les invitamos a la primera conferencia para familias Hispanas, Auspiciada por nuestra Diócesis de Lansing, donde tendremos la bendición de recibir una maravillosa formación de dos excelentes conferencistas, el Padre Carlos Spahn y el psicólogo Ferney Ramírez. Ya puedes registrarte para reservar tu cupo.
Mediante el código que aparece en la imagen o el siguiente link: https://dioceseoflansing.org/event/PC.
The first conference for Hispanic families, sponsored by our Diocese of Lansing, where we will have the blessing of receiving a wonderful training from two excellent lecturers, Father Carlos Spahn and psychologist Ferney Ramirez. You can now register to reserve your slot.
To Register: https://dioceseoflansing.org/event/PC.
May 18, 2024 beginning at 8:30am at Saint’s Fieldhouse located at 1247 E. Sienna Heights Dr. Adrian, Michigan 49221.
Cost is $20.00 per adult and $10.00 for child care per family.
For more information:
Contact Susana Chapa