With the season underway, three teams are sitting at 4 wins and no losses tied for first place. Famous Taco/Spotless, Team Rico, Got the Runs/Indoor Creations all swept their doubleheaders during the first two weeks of the season. Traditionally, the season starts slow by starting in early May but taking Mother’s Day and Memorial Weekend off. But this weekend, the season gets into full gear by returning to the ballpark with double headers set to start at 11 am Sunday, May 31st. The league has ten teams and will run until July 19, 2015 when the regular season ends. The following week will be the day long single elimination tournament along with the awards ceremony and picnic. As a life long fan of these leagues, I can honestly say that I missed these people. It really is a community all on its own. In the pictures I have provided the standings so you can check on your teams and also a schedule for this Sundays games with times. Hope to see you out at Benjamin Davis Park this summer
Latin American Coed Softball League Underway: 3 Tied For 1st
written by seinpaul65
May 29, 2015

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