Hispanic Women in the Network (WIN) met at Olivet College to share a meal, network and offer a WIN Thank you to Olivet College for the many scholarships it has provided to Lansing School District Latinas/Latinos over the years. Olivet College has awarded 14 full tuition based scholarships over the last several years worth 1.12 Million Dollars through the Chicano Latino Advisory Committee. Jason Meadows, Assistant Dean for Student Life accepted the award from WIN Coodinator Andrea Rodriguez. The “Networking” started off with a meal then moved on to some “Truth or Dare” questions that allowed the WIN members to share stories of who they are and what they value in life. Rather then do the traditional networking event, WIN stayed together and shared a little of themselves and were asked to write down their skills for others to take home so that we now know what each others skills are and what we have a passion for doing. I myself walked away knowing people a little better and can now see perhaps where a couple of them might fit into some projects that I would like to work on. Isn’t that what networking is about?