Cafecito Caliente has made the decision to move the Frida 5k Walk/Run to a Virtual only event. Covid just leaves too many obstacles and risks to chance. With this decision, we get to move forward with the “Life Happens, Cafecito Helps” philosophy of trying to help other organizations and more importantly the people they serve. Our focus with the Frida 5k will be to help the Capital Area Latina Youth (CALY) organization.
The mission of CALY is to create a network of Lansing-area Latina youth to foster empowerment, education, cultural advancement, and leadership among Latina youth in middle school and high school. 100% of the profits will go to CALY. There is also an opportunity to donate and 100% of those donations will also go to CALY. Any fees associated with those donations, Cafecito will cover. Keep in mind, that even one dollar is so appreciated!
Cost: Register by May 24, 2021: $30.00 You will love the shirt and medal soon to be revealed!
Run as a family group and save! – Register 3 or more people at the same time and save $5 per participant. Register here: