On the night of Friday, September 27, 2024, the Hispanic Latino community celebrated the 2nd Annual Cafecito Caliente Awards at the Cadillac Room in Lansing’s REO Town. From the moment you walked in the doors, you knew it was going to be a special evening. Friday morning, we were at 210 tickets sold then a website glitch oversold and gave us 261 attendees. That caused some seating issues, our bartenders were super busy and dinner was a touch delayed. Despite all this, it’s safe to say that 98% of the 261 attendees walked away inspired, amazed and wanting to shine their own light in the world.
In attendance was Lansing Mayor Andy Schor, Judges, LCC Trustees, City Council members, School Board members, as well as people from different generations. The Lansing Eastern Latino Club filled a table and even one of our Latina Sororities from MSU was represented. The best compliment of the night came from the older generation: “Sein, you know I go back to the 60’s. I have seen so many celebrations in the Hispanic Latino community, but I have never seen anything like this. Well done!”
Most importantly on this night, the Cafecito Awardees were the ones who shined the brightest. Eight individuals and one Latino non-profit were recognized. Felipe Lopez-Sustaita delivered a keynote that resonated with people about how the Hispanic Latino community tends to stay humble and silent. He stated we have to realize it’s okay to shine, to be openly loud and proud of our accomplishments.
Each Award Recipient had their own story, their own words and based on feedback, there were so many inspiring words spoken by this group that people took home. In each case, they have been shining for years but they never sought awards or recognition. Mid-Michigan has never seen an awards program that recognized so many local Hispanic Latinos on one night. Their words provided proof of their humbleness, their hearts and their souls as they accepted the well overdue recognition.
Lorenzo Lopez and Nicolas Hernandez were Master of Ceremonies for the event and provided direction, professionalism, grace and humor through the evening. Lorenzo has long been one many of us go to for the MC spot and true to Lorenzo’s skillset, he was very good. For Nicolas, it was his first time and he himself shined. Part of the mission for Cafecito is to lift up a younger generation and Nicolas made us all proud.
To say that Events2Envy by Sonia decorated the venue doesn’t clearly describe her impact on the Cadillac Room or the people who were there. Her vision for the Awards program inspired us all as we walked in the venue. The backdrop, the tables, the chairs, etc. were all Sonia. We so appreciate Events2Envy by Sonia.
People were treated to Pour Decisions Services as our bartenders for the night. They served drinks and treated us to their own concoction of “Chili Mango Margarita”. Dinner was delayed and they handled the rush and long lines beautifully and with grace. I look forward to what you will bring to the Cafecito Awards in 2025.
LG Charcuterie provided such a beautiful display that when dinner was announced, many were surprised as they thought the boards was dinner. It was so amazing that several people mentioned they didn’t want to take from the boards as it was simply beautiful to look at. I had so many compliments on choosing LG Charcuterie that we have already invited them back for 2025.
Lucy’s Kitchen provided dinner and the carne asada was about as delicious as you could imagine. I still am receiving compliments about her catering. Known to many around Lansing even before their food truck became a reality in 2024, please keep them in mind for any type of event.
Marisa Laura Photography handled the photos. At one point, Marisa knew she would be taking photos of 210 people. A few hours later, it would become 261. She had to be everywhere, and she was. From getting photos on the “red carpet” when you walk in, to the Award recipients to random shots of people and the crowd. I enjoyed peace of mind knowing Marisa would take care of the photography.
360 Sublime offered its unique version of a photo booth. The different props, the music and the capability to have several people dancing and moving on its platform, brought fun to the Cafecito Awards. Available for most any type of gathering, 360 Sublime showed why they have been thriving since they started their business.
Victor Vasquez, aka DJ Fuego, quietly but effectively handled our sound, tunes and kept us on task. With help from Marisa, he actually put together all the music and his program in a couple days. Thank you, Victor, as you brought me peace of mind in this area.
A big thank you to Nicole Hernandez who just slipped into the front on her own and helped Lorenzo and Nicolas with the crystal awards. She kept everything moving for them. Also, for our registration people, Irma Carillo and Azzy Mitchell, your time and grace was priceless at the front. As the first ones to greet our guests for the evening, you both shined bright!
To all of those who helped clear the tables and linen at the end, it was a great reminder of the Hispanic Latino community. You seen the need for help, and you jumped in without being asked. I have always said that we are a community that wants to get involved, even if it’s doing cleanup and you proved my point. Thank you for helping!
A huge thank you to Lake Trust Credit Union who immediately upon receiving sponsorship forms, backed the Awards program with a Diamante Sponsorship. More importantly, we have become good friends with several different members of the Lake Trust team. Thank you to the Lansing Lugnuts for your continued support over the years as a trusted partner and friend. You hosted the inaugural Awards in 2023 and chose to stay with us in 2024.
Much thanks also to Consumers Credit Union who served as a Gold Sponsor, have been supportive of Cafecito over the past couple of years and we have enjoyed some great personal friendships with your team too. Lastly, thank you to the Latino Business Conexions of Michigan. You have been by our side cheering us on as you yourselves have been busy with the recent success of the 2nd Annual Latino Business Expo. Thank you for being there for us as you inspired me personally and I know now that the future looks promising for the Hispanic Latino Business community.
2024 Cafecito Caliente Awardees:
Heart of the City – Alfonso Salais Jr.
Educator of the Year – Circe Chavez-Rodriguez
Small Business of the Year – Events2Envy by Sonia
Legacy Award – Maria Luisa Zavala
Community Partner of the Year – Lansing Latino Health Alliance
Rising Star of the Year – Elena Herrera
Latina of the Year – Trini Lopez-Pehlivanoglu
Community Service Award – Shekina Mitchell
Arts & Culture Award – MariaLuz Salas Arambula
Most who know me well, know that I prefer to stay in the balcony cheering others on. That has always been my nature. To see all of this come to fruition in less than two years has been amazing and beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you to all those who believed in this program and believed in me. Congratulations to all the recipients who have inspired so many that they know of, and so many they never realized were watching and thus inspired them too.